"Class that's it for today. I trust you will read up on this particular section of your text book because you will be writing a research paper on it! You are dismissed." Nicki immediately stuffed her books in her bag and made her way to her locker behind the studio. She got her clothes out and slung her bag to the floor beside her. Another long day in lecture class was over with, thankfully. She had someone important to go see now that she had a couple hours before her next class. Hurriedly, taking off her "lecture attire", she slipped into her jeans and t-shirt. She couldn't understand for the life of her why her teacher insisted on them wearing athletic clothes to lecture. After all, the most they ever did in that class was take notes for two and a half hours and occasionally she would demonstrate a form of dance. As soon as she was done, she stuffed the clothes she just took off back into the locker and retrieved her dance bag knowing she probably won't make it back in time to change before her next class which was later that afternoon.
While driving through the snowy road, Nicki couldn't help but let her thoughts consume her mind. It was coming to the end of her first year of college and she was very proud of herself yet she also felt empty. She was alone. Her mother and father moved back to Trinidad after they had decided to move to Canada a year before she was born. Her brother had moved to away to pursue his dreams of becoming a marine biologist. The only person she had left was her best friend Viola and her high school dance teacher whom she still kept in contact with.
Two and a half hours later, she was pulling up into the driveway of her destination. It was a little after 2 pm in the day and it was cold. The snow was falling down all round here and the sky had a grayish tint to it. Winters in Canada were sometimes ruthless. For some reason, she felt like this year wasn't going to be any better than the previous ones. She quickly turned the car off and made her way up the steps of the house. Knocking on the door to Mrs. Jackson's house, she waited patiently for it to open. After a few seconds the door finally opened to reveal a very tall and slender woman.
While driving through the snowy road, Nicki couldn't help but let her thoughts consume her mind. It was coming to the end of her first year of college and she was very proud of herself yet she also felt empty. She was alone. Her mother and father moved back to Trinidad after they had decided to move to Canada a year before she was born. Her brother had moved to away to pursue his dreams of becoming a marine biologist. The only person she had left was her best friend Viola and her high school dance teacher whom she still kept in contact with.
Two and a half hours later, she was pulling up into the driveway of her destination. It was a little after 2 pm in the day and it was cold. The snow was falling down all round here and the sky had a grayish tint to it. Winters in Canada were sometimes ruthless. For some reason, she felt like this year wasn't going to be any better than the previous ones. She quickly turned the car off and made her way up the steps of the house. Knocking on the door to Mrs. Jackson's house, she waited patiently for it to open. After a few seconds the door finally opened to reveal a very tall and slender woman.
"Hi Mrs. Jackson" she greeted.
"Hi, Nicki."
"Is she up yet. I have something for her." she said holding up a pink gift bag. Mrs. Jackson smiled.
"Yes she is! Come on in." she motioned opening the door wider. Nicki stepped inside the house as Mrs. Jackson closed the door behind her. The house was warm in contrast to the cold air outside. She took off her snowy boots and placed them by the door.
Nicki made her way up the stairs to Noelle's room while Mrs. Jackson went back into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. She carefully cracked the door open and peeked inside. Hearing no noise she stepped inside and walked over to the cherry wood crib only to find Noelle sucking on her fist quietly. Nicki laughed to herself before placing the gift bag down next to her feet. Noelle immediately looked up at her mother and cracked a bright gummy smile.
"Mmmma maaa" Noelle babbled on trying to form the word as clear as she could. Nicki giggled at her daughter before sitting in the rocking chair next to her crib.
"Hi my baby" she cooed. "I missed you sooo much" she said while holding onto her tiny fists. Noelle looked at her mother still babbling away. Nicki settled into the chair and began kissing Noelle while inhaling her fresh baby scent. She had missed her little cupcake. It had been a whole week since she had seen her last. Between school and working, Nicki rarely had time to visit Noelle and it was slowly breaking her heart. She knew that Noelle was taken good care of here while she worked to brightening her future but it wasn't always easy being without her daughter. She thought back to the day that she had to give Mrs. Jackson temporary custody of Noelle.
It was exactly two months after she was born. Nicki wanted to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional dancer, which meant she had to go to college. Since there was no one to care for Noelle properly since her parents moved back to Trinidad right after her eighteenth birthday, she went with her next best bet. Her dance teacher at her local high school. Mrs. Jackson was the only maternal figure Nicki had after her mom decide to leave back when Nicki was in the middle of her last year of high school.
Nicki felt tears streaming down her cheek as she cradled her now ten month old daughter. Thinking of everything she had to go through was overwhelming. Thank goodness for Mrs. Jackson and her family. They were the closest people Nicki had for support.
"You aren't crying again, are you?" Nicki quickly snapped out of her thoughts as Mrs. Jackson stood in the doorway with a bottle in hand. Seeing her tear stained cheeks, Mrs. Jackson walked over to her and carefully took Noelle into her arms as Nicki gathered her emotions. She hated seeing Nicki cry like this. Every time she came to visit, it was always the same routine but she understood the challenges of being a new mom at such a young age.
Nicki wiped away her tears and shook her head. "I'm sorry. It's just-" she trailed off shaking her head again.
"Sweetie, it's alright. You don't have to explain." she paused before continuing. "If it makes you feel better he called to check up on her earlier."
"I don't care about that. I know he loves his daughter but I just don't understand why he doesn't come and visit her like he should just because he doesn't want to run into me. What have I done to him to deserve this?"
Ms. Jackson was now cradling Noelle. Nicki looked at her daughter and cracked a smile when Noelle started blowing spit bubbles. Simple things like this would always make her get out of her funk. She couldn't wait to get her so she could take Noelle to her apartment and spend more time with her. Of course, she would have to wait until she was done with this semester. After all, Ms. Jackson deserved a break.
"If you ask me I think he's afraid to see you and have all those feelings come back which would jeopardize his marriage." Nicki gave her a glare. "Or maybe not. I mean what do I know, right?"
"It's still not an excuse. He knew what we had before he even got married. Why would you promise your life to someone knowing you still had feelings for somebody else?"
It was true. She never thought that Drake would do that to her. Especially when he claimed he still wanted to be with her and loved her. The only reason he was a little hesitant about being with Nicki was because she was much younger than him. She was fifteen when they first met. Nicki remembered the day clearly.
It was one day after she came home from dance practice that she found her brother and him in the living room of their parents house playing madden. She was absolutely love struck at the sight of him but often played it off and pushed her feelings to the side. Not to mention, she knew her brother nor her parents would never approve of them dating. That didn't stop them from communicating though. She often would sneak downstairs and watch them play video games when she was supposed to be in her room studying.
The feeling was a mutual one too. Everything about her Drake was attracted to for some strange reason that he could never figure out. She was smart, sweet, and very beautiful. He knew it was wrong to even look at her that way but he couldn't help it. She was young but you couldn't tell just by looking at her. He found her dimples to be one of cutest things about her. When she smiled he would stare. He was in his first year of college and she was in tenth grade. The age difference was a huge barrier that he couldn't see past. He knew that if Jelani found out how he was feeling towards his sister, it would definitely cause a rift between them so he also pushed the thoughts of her to the back of his mind.
One day while she was home alone, he happened to come by to get his shoes he had left in their living room. They talked for awhile. She was young but she knew what she wanted to do with her life after high school. Nicki rarely got along with any of Jelani's friends, but when she was introduced to Drake everything changed. Occasionally he would pick her up from school when her parents and Jelani were at work. They had seemingly gotten to know each other better just by the conversations they would have. Nicki was surprised that he even wanted to talk to her at all.
From then on things started to pick up between them. He would give her a peck on the cheek after dropping her home from practice and riding back across town to his class. Nothing very serious stemmed from their encounters until one day when he picked her up when they canceled practice because of a storm. Too afraid to go home by herself, he offered to have her ride out the storm at his apartment near the campus. She obliged to his suggestion and quickly found herself doing more than just waiting for the storm to pass. Neither one could've denied the feelings they had for one another and they promised to keep their relationship under wraps. Nicki didn't want anyone judging her and Drake didn't want to be blamed for having sex with a "minor" especially when he never pressured her into anything in the first place.
As time went on, the relationship proved to be difficult. They never could've relate to what the other had going on at that point in their lives and they were getting tired of having to sneak around just so her parents and Jelani wouldn't find out about them. They decided to just part ways after it became too much too handle. Nicki focused on getting into college while Drake focused on graduating college. But soon Nicki realized that getting rid of him wasn't going to be as easy as she thought it would. Besides him being her first and only, she later found out she was pregnant by him. Not only was she expecting his child but she also learned that he had rekindled a past relationship with a girl named Kiesha and they were engaged to get married soon.
"I just don't want you to beat yourself up about the situation."
"Sometimes I just feel like a bad person" Nicki shrugged and got up to get the gift she bought Noelle. She opened the bag and pulled out a cute outfit with shoes to match. "Mommy bought gifts for her precious angel." Nicki pulled out a pink teddy bear and a small box with pink ribbon on it. She opened it to reveal a gold necklace with a heart pendant.
"You spoil her too much" Ms. Jackson stated. Nicki got up and fastened the necklace around Noelle's neck. She smiled at her baby girl while rubbed her finger threw her curls. She looked just like her father. She sighed as the image of him flashed in her mind.
Mrs. Jackson placed the baby back in her arms and went to the dresser to retrieve and bib and a newly made bottle that she brought with her. She gave Nicki the items and rubbed her shoulder. "I'll leave you two, and go finish making dinner. Are you hungry?" she asked. Nicki nodded her head slowly before putting he bib around Noelle and feeding her. Ms. Jackson left the room quietly, giving Nicki bonding time with her baby. Noelle was staring straight up into Nicki's eyes as she fed. She smiled at her baby and kissed her forehead gently. "Don't worry, mommy's ok." She assured. Noelle kept sucking from her bottle still stealing glances at her mother. Nicki began humming a tune to her as she ate. Before she knew it Noelle was finished with her bottle. Nicki placed her over her shoulder and rubbed her back making Noelle burp. She cradled her back in her arms and watched as Noelle gradually drifted her way to sleep. While watching her daughter sleep peacefully she drifted back in time right before she had given birth to her, which was on Christmas day of last year.
"Nicki why don't you just talk to him already. You're having his baby for heaven's sake!" her best friend Viola urged. Nicki shifted uncomfortably on her side and sighed. The baby had been kicking a lot more lately. Her hand instinctively resting on her stomach rubbing it in small circles trying to calm the baby's movements. After awhile the baby calmed down and Nicki propped two pillows behind her and laid back. As she got closer to her due date, her back has been hurting more often. She sighed looking at Viola who was still waiting on a reply.
"Look I already told you I want nothing to do with him. He's married now anyway and I don't want to be the one to ruin what he has. Besides getting back with him is not something I think will ever happen. We're too different." Nicki hated this conversation. For as long as she had been pregnant, close friends have constantly asked her the same question over and over again. Frankly, she was sick and tired of explaining her problems to people. She closed her eyes momentarily as she relaxed a little. Today she went to her last appointment before her expected due date which was less than a week away. Nicki began to think about all the stress she was under. She had no one to help her besides her dance instructor who welcomed her with open arms. Without her she didn't want to think about where she would have been. Her parents moved back to Trinidad a couple months ago. Nicki didn't want to go because she was planning to go to Performing Arts college after high school. It was her dream to be a dancer and open up a dance studio. That is until she found out she was pregnant right after auditioning to one of the top schools in the country.
Nicki got up and placed her baby back into the crib gently after giving her a sweet kiss on her cheek. She had to be back for her next class in a couple hours and she hated being late. She made her way down the steps and into the kitchen where Mrs. Jackson was setting the table.
"Is she asleep?" she asked scooping a piece of macaroni onto a plate.
"Good then you can come eat with us before you head back. The foods ready."
"I don't think I'll be eating with you guys today. I really have to get back in time. My professor hates it when we're late" she explained. Mrs. Jackson nodded her head in understanding.
"Well I'll just make you a plate to go" Before Nicki could say anything she was already headed back into the kitchen to retrieve a paper plate. When Mrs. Jackson was finished, she handed the plate to her and gave her another hug just before her husband and son came down for dinner. Nicki greeted them and made her way out of the door to her car.
Thanks Mrs. Jackson for everything and I'll see you guys later" she said before she left.
Nicki made it back across town just in time for her class. She had a lot on her mind and all of it mostly consisted of Noelle. As much as she wanted a family unit for her daughter, she knew that it wouldn't happen no time soon. It had been almost a year seeing or even speaking to Drake. He had promised her that he would keep it touch after she told him that she was having his baby days before her due date but she knew better than to sit around and wait for people to keep their promises.
In class, they were studying Jazz routines dating all the way back to the 1970's to the present. Their instructor demonstrated a few Jazz pieces of her own before she let the class split up and brainstorm their own Jazz routines. Before she knew it class was over with and everyone was headed out.
"Onika" her instructor called. Nicki turned around and stared at her.
"Yes Miss Michael" she replied wondering if she had done something wrong.
"Drop your bag and come stand over here" she instructed going to the radio. Nicki did as told and rested her bag on a nearby chair and assume her position. Miss Michael looked at her for a moment before speaking.
"I'm going to press play and you perform a jazz piece for me okay" Nicki nodded. "Whatever comes to mind do it but remember it has to be some form of jazz" Nicki nodded again and began to mentally prepare herself.
Miss Michael pressed play and the music boomed from the speakers. Nicki took a deep breath and began. Miss Michael watched her lose herself into the music as she moved freely before her. She was amazed at the talent she had. It was almost like watching herself in the mirror. Nicki evoked a lot of attitude and emotion into her moves and that's what jazz consisted of. Every move was on point. After awhile, the music died down and eventually stopped she knew she was making the right choice.
"Where you nervous?" she asked as Nicki caught her breath.
"A little"
"Well you sure didn't show it!" she smiled. "Good work."
"Thanks" Nicki breathed a sigh of relief. She was never really confident in her routines but that's something that she personally had to work on.
"Listen before you go I wanted to talk to you for a bit" she paused before continuing. "Is everything okay because you seem distant in my class today" Nicki looked down at her hands. She occasionally wore her emotions on her face. Sometimes it was a great thing but in other times it was bad.
"Yeah I just have a lot on my mind lately" she confessed. Miss Michael walked over to her concerned.
"Is it about your daughter?" Nicki shook her head. Ms. Michael sighed. "I know you miss being there all the time but you're making the right decision by making something out of yourself to better provide for her."
"You're welcome" she paused and turned to grab something off her desk and handed it to her. Nicki was perplexed. "I was given the task of selecting a student from my classes that I thought would best represent the school at major play that's coming up in New York." she smiled "You was the first and only one that came to mind. I know you don't want anymore time away from your daughter but it's a great opportunity to get your name out there so think about it and let me know in a couple weeks." Nicki was speechless. The thought of performing on Broadway was incredible. Of course she wanted to do it but she also had to think of Noelle too.
"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to let you know of my decision very soon." She hugged her professor and picked up her bag heading to her locker.
When Nicki made it back to her apartment, she took a long bath. Luckily, her roommate and best friend wasn't home so she could study in peace. She probably is out to some party, Nicki thought to herself. Viola always found something to occupy her time when she wasn't in class. Nicki had too much on her mind to party.
"Hello" she answered worriedly.
"Hey, sweetie sorry to bother you. I know you're probably studying but I just got a letter from child support services." she paused before continuing. "It looks like he's trying to get custody of Noelle" Nicki's heart immediately dropped. Every time she thought things would look up something would happen to diminish those thoughts.
"Are you serious?" she asked frantically into the phone. Nicki knew Ms. Jackson wasn't the one to be bluffing about something as serious as this but she just had to ask.
"Yes, I'm serious." she said still reading the letter. "It says that he thinks Noelle should be cared for by at least one of her parents and not a stranger. He's claiming that you didn't consult him when you gave me temporary custody and that he could've had his daughter live with him while you're focused on school." she informed her. Nicki closed her book running her free hand over her face.
"This cannot be happening right now. Do he actually think that I would want my daughter around his wife who I've never met in my life?" Nicki was beyond livid at this point. If he thought that she's just suppose to hand her daughter over to him and his wife, he was sadly mistaken. They're not playing house with my child, she thought.
Nicki paused before thinking. He could've at least be a man and talk to her about how he was feeling before he got the courts involved. It was like he was deliberately trying to make her life miserable. First, he lie to her then, he avoids her and now this. Even though she knew he was upset that she didn't tell him that he was going to be a father the moment she found out, she never thought in a million years he would seek this type of revenge.
"Ms. Jackson contact a lawyer because I'm not going down without a fight" was the last thing she said before she hung up. Her dream of performing on Broadway would just have to wait because it looks like she'll be spending that time in a courtroom. No matter what her daughter would always come first!
It was exactly two months after she was born. Nicki wanted to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional dancer, which meant she had to go to college. Since there was no one to care for Noelle properly since her parents moved back to Trinidad right after her eighteenth birthday, she went with her next best bet. Her dance teacher at her local high school. Mrs. Jackson was the only maternal figure Nicki had after her mom decide to leave back when Nicki was in the middle of her last year of high school.
Nicki felt tears streaming down her cheek as she cradled her now ten month old daughter. Thinking of everything she had to go through was overwhelming. Thank goodness for Mrs. Jackson and her family. They were the closest people Nicki had for support.
"You aren't crying again, are you?" Nicki quickly snapped out of her thoughts as Mrs. Jackson stood in the doorway with a bottle in hand. Seeing her tear stained cheeks, Mrs. Jackson walked over to her and carefully took Noelle into her arms as Nicki gathered her emotions. She hated seeing Nicki cry like this. Every time she came to visit, it was always the same routine but she understood the challenges of being a new mom at such a young age.
Nicki wiped away her tears and shook her head. "I'm sorry. It's just-" she trailed off shaking her head again.
"Sweetie, it's alright. You don't have to explain." she paused before continuing. "If it makes you feel better he called to check up on her earlier."
"I don't care about that. I know he loves his daughter but I just don't understand why he doesn't come and visit her like he should just because he doesn't want to run into me. What have I done to him to deserve this?"
Ms. Jackson was now cradling Noelle. Nicki looked at her daughter and cracked a smile when Noelle started blowing spit bubbles. Simple things like this would always make her get out of her funk. She couldn't wait to get her so she could take Noelle to her apartment and spend more time with her. Of course, she would have to wait until she was done with this semester. After all, Ms. Jackson deserved a break.
"If you ask me I think he's afraid to see you and have all those feelings come back which would jeopardize his marriage." Nicki gave her a glare. "Or maybe not. I mean what do I know, right?"
"It's still not an excuse. He knew what we had before he even got married. Why would you promise your life to someone knowing you still had feelings for somebody else?"
It was true. She never thought that Drake would do that to her. Especially when he claimed he still wanted to be with her and loved her. The only reason he was a little hesitant about being with Nicki was because she was much younger than him. She was fifteen when they first met. Nicki remembered the day clearly.
It was one day after she came home from dance practice that she found her brother and him in the living room of their parents house playing madden. She was absolutely love struck at the sight of him but often played it off and pushed her feelings to the side. Not to mention, she knew her brother nor her parents would never approve of them dating. That didn't stop them from communicating though. She often would sneak downstairs and watch them play video games when she was supposed to be in her room studying.
The feeling was a mutual one too. Everything about her Drake was attracted to for some strange reason that he could never figure out. She was smart, sweet, and very beautiful. He knew it was wrong to even look at her that way but he couldn't help it. She was young but you couldn't tell just by looking at her. He found her dimples to be one of cutest things about her. When she smiled he would stare. He was in his first year of college and she was in tenth grade. The age difference was a huge barrier that he couldn't see past. He knew that if Jelani found out how he was feeling towards his sister, it would definitely cause a rift between them so he also pushed the thoughts of her to the back of his mind.
One day while she was home alone, he happened to come by to get his shoes he had left in their living room. They talked for awhile. She was young but she knew what she wanted to do with her life after high school. Nicki rarely got along with any of Jelani's friends, but when she was introduced to Drake everything changed. Occasionally he would pick her up from school when her parents and Jelani were at work. They had seemingly gotten to know each other better just by the conversations they would have. Nicki was surprised that he even wanted to talk to her at all.
From then on things started to pick up between them. He would give her a peck on the cheek after dropping her home from practice and riding back across town to his class. Nothing very serious stemmed from their encounters until one day when he picked her up when they canceled practice because of a storm. Too afraid to go home by herself, he offered to have her ride out the storm at his apartment near the campus. She obliged to his suggestion and quickly found herself doing more than just waiting for the storm to pass. Neither one could've denied the feelings they had for one another and they promised to keep their relationship under wraps. Nicki didn't want anyone judging her and Drake didn't want to be blamed for having sex with a "minor" especially when he never pressured her into anything in the first place.
As time went on, the relationship proved to be difficult. They never could've relate to what the other had going on at that point in their lives and they were getting tired of having to sneak around just so her parents and Jelani wouldn't find out about them. They decided to just part ways after it became too much too handle. Nicki focused on getting into college while Drake focused on graduating college. But soon Nicki realized that getting rid of him wasn't going to be as easy as she thought it would. Besides him being her first and only, she later found out she was pregnant by him. Not only was she expecting his child but she also learned that he had rekindled a past relationship with a girl named Kiesha and they were engaged to get married soon.
"I just don't want you to beat yourself up about the situation."
"Sometimes I just feel like a bad person" Nicki shrugged and got up to get the gift she bought Noelle. She opened the bag and pulled out a cute outfit with shoes to match. "Mommy bought gifts for her precious angel." Nicki pulled out a pink teddy bear and a small box with pink ribbon on it. She opened it to reveal a gold necklace with a heart pendant.
"You spoil her too much" Ms. Jackson stated. Nicki got up and fastened the necklace around Noelle's neck. She smiled at her baby girl while rubbed her finger threw her curls. She looked just like her father. She sighed as the image of him flashed in her mind.
Mrs. Jackson placed the baby back in her arms and went to the dresser to retrieve and bib and a newly made bottle that she brought with her. She gave Nicki the items and rubbed her shoulder. "I'll leave you two, and go finish making dinner. Are you hungry?" she asked. Nicki nodded her head slowly before putting he bib around Noelle and feeding her. Ms. Jackson left the room quietly, giving Nicki bonding time with her baby. Noelle was staring straight up into Nicki's eyes as she fed. She smiled at her baby and kissed her forehead gently. "Don't worry, mommy's ok." She assured. Noelle kept sucking from her bottle still stealing glances at her mother. Nicki began humming a tune to her as she ate. Before she knew it Noelle was finished with her bottle. Nicki placed her over her shoulder and rubbed her back making Noelle burp. She cradled her back in her arms and watched as Noelle gradually drifted her way to sleep. While watching her daughter sleep peacefully she drifted back in time right before she had given birth to her, which was on Christmas day of last year.
"Nicki why don't you just talk to him already. You're having his baby for heaven's sake!" her best friend Viola urged. Nicki shifted uncomfortably on her side and sighed. The baby had been kicking a lot more lately. Her hand instinctively resting on her stomach rubbing it in small circles trying to calm the baby's movements. After awhile the baby calmed down and Nicki propped two pillows behind her and laid back. As she got closer to her due date, her back has been hurting more often. She sighed looking at Viola who was still waiting on a reply.
"Look I already told you I want nothing to do with him. He's married now anyway and I don't want to be the one to ruin what he has. Besides getting back with him is not something I think will ever happen. We're too different." Nicki hated this conversation. For as long as she had been pregnant, close friends have constantly asked her the same question over and over again. Frankly, she was sick and tired of explaining her problems to people. She closed her eyes momentarily as she relaxed a little. Today she went to her last appointment before her expected due date which was less than a week away. Nicki began to think about all the stress she was under. She had no one to help her besides her dance instructor who welcomed her with open arms. Without her she didn't want to think about where she would have been. Her parents moved back to Trinidad a couple months ago. Nicki didn't want to go because she was planning to go to Performing Arts college after high school. It was her dream to be a dancer and open up a dance studio. That is until she found out she was pregnant right after auditioning to one of the top schools in the country.
Nicki got up and placed her baby back into the crib gently after giving her a sweet kiss on her cheek. She had to be back for her next class in a couple hours and she hated being late. She made her way down the steps and into the kitchen where Mrs. Jackson was setting the table.
"Is she asleep?" she asked scooping a piece of macaroni onto a plate.
"Good then you can come eat with us before you head back. The foods ready."
"I don't think I'll be eating with you guys today. I really have to get back in time. My professor hates it when we're late" she explained. Mrs. Jackson nodded her head in understanding.
"Well I'll just make you a plate to go" Before Nicki could say anything she was already headed back into the kitchen to retrieve a paper plate. When Mrs. Jackson was finished, she handed the plate to her and gave her another hug just before her husband and son came down for dinner. Nicki greeted them and made her way out of the door to her car.
Thanks Mrs. Jackson for everything and I'll see you guys later" she said before she left.
Nicki made it back across town just in time for her class. She had a lot on her mind and all of it mostly consisted of Noelle. As much as she wanted a family unit for her daughter, she knew that it wouldn't happen no time soon. It had been almost a year seeing or even speaking to Drake. He had promised her that he would keep it touch after she told him that she was having his baby days before her due date but she knew better than to sit around and wait for people to keep their promises.
In class, they were studying Jazz routines dating all the way back to the 1970's to the present. Their instructor demonstrated a few Jazz pieces of her own before she let the class split up and brainstorm their own Jazz routines. Before she knew it class was over with and everyone was headed out.
"Onika" her instructor called. Nicki turned around and stared at her.
"Yes Miss Michael" she replied wondering if she had done something wrong.
"Drop your bag and come stand over here" she instructed going to the radio. Nicki did as told and rested her bag on a nearby chair and assume her position. Miss Michael looked at her for a moment before speaking.
"I'm going to press play and you perform a jazz piece for me okay" Nicki nodded. "Whatever comes to mind do it but remember it has to be some form of jazz" Nicki nodded again and began to mentally prepare herself.
Miss Michael pressed play and the music boomed from the speakers. Nicki took a deep breath and began. Miss Michael watched her lose herself into the music as she moved freely before her. She was amazed at the talent she had. It was almost like watching herself in the mirror. Nicki evoked a lot of attitude and emotion into her moves and that's what jazz consisted of. Every move was on point. After awhile, the music died down and eventually stopped she knew she was making the right choice.
"Where you nervous?" she asked as Nicki caught her breath.
"A little"
"Well you sure didn't show it!" she smiled. "Good work."
"Thanks" Nicki breathed a sigh of relief. She was never really confident in her routines but that's something that she personally had to work on.
"Listen before you go I wanted to talk to you for a bit" she paused before continuing. "Is everything okay because you seem distant in my class today" Nicki looked down at her hands. She occasionally wore her emotions on her face. Sometimes it was a great thing but in other times it was bad.
"Yeah I just have a lot on my mind lately" she confessed. Miss Michael walked over to her concerned.
"Is it about your daughter?" Nicki shook her head. Ms. Michael sighed. "I know you miss being there all the time but you're making the right decision by making something out of yourself to better provide for her."
"You're welcome" she paused and turned to grab something off her desk and handed it to her. Nicki was perplexed. "I was given the task of selecting a student from my classes that I thought would best represent the school at major play that's coming up in New York." she smiled "You was the first and only one that came to mind. I know you don't want anymore time away from your daughter but it's a great opportunity to get your name out there so think about it and let me know in a couple weeks." Nicki was speechless. The thought of performing on Broadway was incredible. Of course she wanted to do it but she also had to think of Noelle too.
"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to let you know of my decision very soon." She hugged her professor and picked up her bag heading to her locker.
When Nicki made it back to her apartment, she took a long bath. Luckily, her roommate and best friend wasn't home so she could study in peace. She probably is out to some party, Nicki thought to herself. Viola always found something to occupy her time when she wasn't in class. Nicki had too much on her mind to party.
Once she was done, she slipped into a tank top and some sweatpants before taking out her book and studying.
Jazz- American music developed especially from ragtime and blues and characterized by propulsive syncopated rhythms, polyphonic ensemble playing varying degrees of improvisation and often distortions of pitch and timbre.
After awhile, her focus was broken by her phone ringing. It was Ms. Jackson.
"Hello" she answered worriedly.
"Hey, sweetie sorry to bother you. I know you're probably studying but I just got a letter from child support services." she paused before continuing. "It looks like he's trying to get custody of Noelle" Nicki's heart immediately dropped. Every time she thought things would look up something would happen to diminish those thoughts.
"Are you serious?" she asked frantically into the phone. Nicki knew Ms. Jackson wasn't the one to be bluffing about something as serious as this but she just had to ask.
"Yes, I'm serious." she said still reading the letter. "It says that he thinks Noelle should be cared for by at least one of her parents and not a stranger. He's claiming that you didn't consult him when you gave me temporary custody and that he could've had his daughter live with him while you're focused on school." she informed her. Nicki closed her book running her free hand over her face.
"This cannot be happening right now. Do he actually think that I would want my daughter around his wife who I've never met in my life?" Nicki was beyond livid at this point. If he thought that she's just suppose to hand her daughter over to him and his wife, he was sadly mistaken. They're not playing house with my child, she thought.
Nicki paused before thinking. He could've at least be a man and talk to her about how he was feeling before he got the courts involved. It was like he was deliberately trying to make her life miserable. First, he lie to her then, he avoids her and now this. Even though she knew he was upset that she didn't tell him that he was going to be a father the moment she found out, she never thought in a million years he would seek this type of revenge.
"Ms. Jackson contact a lawyer because I'm not going down without a fight" was the last thing she said before she hung up. Her dream of performing on Broadway would just have to wait because it looks like she'll be spending that time in a courtroom. No matter what her daughter would always come first!
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Nicki's Doing Good focusing On Her School and trying to Follow her dreams. Pursue a Career. I Feel For her. But atleast shes Doing something, that could help provide for Noelle. At first A dance teacher was mentioned i thinking Drake was The dance teacher and he stayed hole with noelle while she was at school and they were together. Boy was i wrong. But i Still love it. Mrs. jackson is such a good woman for doing this for Nicki. She Needs all the help she can get.
ReplyDeleteAs For Drake. Shes your daughter you should be visiting almost everyday or atleast every weekend. And Why now? Why all of a sudden he wants custody. That Makes him look a little irresponsible shes Been on this earth for some Months now and hes Now wanting custody. I really hope this doesnt go through, or atleast he doesnt get full custody. Noelle's Basically all the family Nic has right now. She doesnt deserve to be taken away from Her. And OMG Noelle Is Sooooooooo freakinn adorable.
Wow. Im Shedding some real tears thinking about all of this happen to Poor nic. Amd he daughter. But i really enjoyed it. Defintley tugs at my emotions but Very Well written. Thanks so much again!(:
Whao. Nic is amazing for doing her best to give her daughter a better future. I understan her decision to let mrs. Jackson have temprary custody. Drake was dead wrong for what he did to her!!! It's understandable that he never bothered to get in contact with him, the phone works two ways hunny.
ReplyDeleteDRAKE IS A FUCKING DICK! Who the fuck does he think he is tryigng to take noelle; at least nika was there from birth and is doing what can for er daughter. It's not her fucking fault that she had no one because your ass wanted to go be with whatever the fuck your wife's name is ! Nika besta FIGHT noelle, cause there is NO way aubbie is gonna get her. Fuck would she let her daughter be around someone she's never met. FOH!
LOVE this story. So excited for chapter 2
OMFGG WOW That Was Amazing Drake Is Being An Ass Tho!! Poor Nicki smh
ReplyDeleteWOW he's an ass.
ReplyDeleteHas he even made an effort to see his daughter? FOH with that! That's good Nicki is still going to school to pursue her dreams as a dancer after having a baby. And it's nice that she has someone like Mrs. Jackson to help her. She's doing good but now sir AssAlot wanna ruin it. Smh Good story, I like it so far
Wtf? He seriously doing that to her? I can't, he fuckd up for that. Can't wait to see where this goes